Horse Play
spite of the fact that the outline of an egg is not symmetrical, the
noun oval (MWCD:1570) has been applied to objects that are: e.g., a
racetrack for horses or cars, which is really a rectangle with rounded
corners. EWPO; MDWPO; SA.
The Zephyr Cipher
The Zephyr Cipher
Roger 0. Thornhill
"What's the 'O' stand for?"
LOVE Nothing; zero.
NSOED: mid-18th cent. Source: EGG. Love is an Eng. mispronunciation of Fr. l'oeuf "the egg," which was once used by the French, in the game of tennis, to signify "no score" or "zero." The reason for the association of egg with zero was apparently the oval shape of both objects. The original Fr. word for "no score" was zero, and l'oeuf was a Fr. slang term for the same thing. When the English borrowed (court) tennis in the 1700s, they referred to "no score" by the slang term love rather than by the technical term zero. The English- and other Eng.-speaking people- still use love in tennis, but the French- and other Fr.-speaking people- have reverted to the more formal zero. The use of egg for "zero has also occurred in cricket (a duck's egg) and in baseball ( a goose egg, q.v.). The adj. oval (MWCD: 1577- fr. Lat. ovum "egg") is used to describe something that is egg-shaped, i.e., has the shape of an elongated spheroid, with one end wider than the other. (The larger end is positioned upward when storing in the refrigerator, whereas the smaller end is positioned upward in an egg cup.) In spite of the fact that the outline of an egg is not symmetrical, the noun oval (MWCD:1570) has been applied to objects that are: e.g., a racetrack for horses or cars, which is really a rectangle with rounded corners. EWPO; MDWPO; SA.
“Yes, even I am dishonest. Not in many ways, but in some. Forty-one, I think it is.”
-Mark Twain
I've done my best to copy down all I could make out, but it gets kinda blurry towards the bottom of the shot. Anyway, here's something HitchHeads will certainly get a kick out of.
SUN-TIMES Home Edition
Two Die As Crop-Duster
Plane Crashes & Burns
Low Flying Craft Hits Oil Tanker;
Truck Drivers Escape Holocaust
Aside from Banks, the Cuba
of the Anglican Church at their
Lambeth conference approved
birth control.
The view was announced
Monday night that birth control
is a "right and important factor
in Christian family life," pro-
vided the practice is not moti-
voted by "selfishness and covet-
An American Episcopalian
bishop, the Rt Rev Stephen
Bayne of Olympia, Wash., was
chairman of the committee that
drafted the report on birth con-
troll at the conference -- a meet-
ing of 300 bishops representing
40,000,000 Christians in the
worldwide Anglican commun-
ion. Ninety American Episco-
plain bishops attended the
conference, which took what
was for the church a revolution-
ray step.
First Consideration
The archbishop of Canter-
bury, Dr. Geoffrey Fisher, who
presided at the conference, said
it was the first time the Angli-
can communion had considered
"family planning by scientific
"We took what has been a
battlefield and we put it on a
sensible and Godly level on
which it can be reasonably dis-
cussed," he told a news confer-
ence in releasing the report of
the private sessions. The de-
cisions of the conference, held
each 10 years, are intended to
guide churches in the Anglican
Whittaker and Justices William
communion but are not binding
in any way.
While the archbishop of Can-
terbury indicated the bishops
were unanimous in their views
on birth control, they failed to
agree on the moral problem of
the H-bomb.
A conference subcommittee
said some bishops favored un-
ilateral abolition of nuclear
weapons and felt their use was
morally unjustifiable in any cir-
H-Bomb Problem
Others thought that in the
present uncertain world situa-
tion, "individual nations are
justified in retaining these weap-
ons as a lesser evil than sur-
rendering them and increase
terms. The last time was in 1953
the possibility of an unserrupu-
tious attack."
Majority on Retention
Archbishop Fisher said there was
a clear majority on the bish-
ops in favor of retaining the H-
record Alaska vote is expected
Tuesday as residents of the big
territory decide whether it will
become the 49'th state.
At some 297 polling places
throughout Alaska, voters will
approve or reject these proposi-
tions on which admissions de-
Each of the three must be
approved by a majority of vot-
Clark are attending the Ameri-
errs if Alaska is to become a
state, as provided in the admis-
sion act passed by Congress in
June and signed by President
Eisenhower in July.
A negative vote on any one
J Brensoan Jr. and Tom C.
of the propositions will make
void the admission act - and
leave Alaska as a territory
proposition as it has been since
the United States purchased the
price appeals from the
times user
1567 from Russia
The first of three judges
for voters to
The second deals with the
is the nature of sin. It is also
This spaceship would draw
its power from hydrogen gas
out in space. This is the star-
dust, for it is hydrogen ejected
by stars like our sun.
The hydrogen is scarce, but
Dr. Bela Karlovitz and Bernard
stretching out to distances of
500 to 1,000 miles.
stardust was sketched Monday
by a US scientist.
It conceivably could approach
the speed of light - 183,000
miles a second - to make trips
to other stars and see if they
have planets and life.
wrong to say such inter-
course ought not to be engaged
in except with the willing in-
tension to procreate children.
"The question, how many
children? at what intervals? are
matters on which only general
too, from Los Angeles. He
counsel can be The choice
must be made by parents to-
gather in prayful considera-
tion of their resources, the
in which they live and the
problems they face
of the new state
Ras Beiut sections of the city.
Lebanese employee suffered
head lacerations.
meanwhile, demanded that pres-
ident-elect Fuad Shehab include
some of their number in his new
They also demanded he got
an immediate evacuation of
American troops "without rely-
ing on any international arrange-
Thirty chieftains of the insur-
gent movement met for six hours
in the gun-rigged Baste head-
quarters on Saeb Salam here.
streams of electrons as it speeds
Earl Warren issued the call for
through space. This creates a
search, Pittsburgh, described it
to the International Astronautical
Federation meeting here.
Streams of Electrons
The rocket shoots out
great electromagnetic field, like
a doughnut around the ship
The big electromagnetic field
turns into a good bit of the
hydrogen. The hydrogen atoms
are sparked up and kicked back-
ward at highest speed
The residue pushes the
right, forward at higher
speed them originally
electromagnetic field
Diary Tells How Russians
'Hired' German Rocketmen
Slugger Banks, who has 41
keep stepping up the speed and
cut years from the time needed
the reach another. The near-
set star to ours is so distant it
takes light 4 1/2 years to reach the
Irwin Schotland US commisio-
ners of social security, arrived
in Moscow Monday for a
months study of the Soviet Union's
social security and welfare
Today premier, Prince
Red China
This idea is far off
in the future
Illinois shook...
"The very important thing is that whatever people think of the movie, keep smiling."
- Cary Grant
artwork by Terry Gilliam
- Mirroring -
Grant had dark memories of his mother and blamed his four failed marriages partly on that relationship. "I was making the mistake of thinking that each of my wives was my mother, that there would never be a replacement once she left," Grant said. "I had even found myself being attracted to people who looked like my mother"
- Harris, Warren G. Cary Grant: A Touch of Elegance, New York: Doubleday Books, 1987.
This is right before Roger goes into the bathroom and starts whistling "Singing in the Rain"